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Should Couples Retire at the Same Time?

Recent data from Ameriprise Financial indicates that more than a quarter of preretirement couples plan to retire together, and 39% say they plan to stagger their retirements and make their exits more than a year apart. The question is, what does retirement look like for an individual and for a couple? At first, it may seem very exciting to be spending more time with your loved one, but can too much togetherness be detrimental to the relationship? Both people may envision vastly different lives for themselves during retirement. Before any decisions are made, you will need to have a frank discussion with your partner regarding your future as a couple in retirement. Here are the pros and cons of retiring together:

As you navigate through these uncharted waters, you will not be doing it alone. You will have a partner in the same boat who is experiencing similar emotional and financial challenges. You can support each other when making the transition from fully employed to retired. If only one of you retires, it may give you both a false sense of security, since one person is still employed and earning an income. For some couples, this leads to overspending as you attempt to maintain your preretirement lifestyle and begin tapping into your savings.

Issues to consider

Should you retire at the same time as your spouse? While it may seem like a dream come true, think about what the financial reality is. Work with financial professionals to help you sort through all the decisions that need to be made. Have a happy retirement.